- Upcoming Projects: Stay posted for news on some of the exciting projects we have coming up in March. Hopefully, we'll head back to EFAA to install some doors and do some more painting. In addition, we're looking at a possible demolition project with the FLC which should be tonnes of fun, and maybe a project with BCAP!
- Are you Artsy-Fartsy? Origins Church is having an art fund-raiser to help Walnut Place raise some money for some much needed renovations. If you'd like to contribute art for this fund raiser, you should contact Shauna at: shauna@originscommunity.com
- Boulder297 Needs Tools! Check out our new needs page on our website (www.boulder297.org) to see what we need. Clean out your garage or take a sweet shopping spree at the hardware store! Or, just send us some money, and we'll do the shopping!
- Updated Website: If you're sick of me plugging the website, then you should probably go check it out! It has a tonne of sweet stuff like pictures, a calendar, and a blog! I think the only thing it's lacking is an overload of animated gif's. Also, if you like webstuffs and want to help out with the website, that'd be sick awesome! let me know!
- Do you know anything about Paving? I sure don't. But the wonderful people at EFAA would like to talk to you if you're knowledgeable about a possible project they'd like to undertake.
-Mike, Boulder297